Bar "EUPHORIA" Bansko

Bar "EUPHORIA" Bansko

Phone: phone 0879-126-467
Address: Bansko,Naiden Gerov str.,next to the Gondola
Music: Hot HITS
Website: http://www.restaurant.bg/bul/restoranti/restorant-bbq-grill-club-bar-euphoria-bansko-4554
E-MAIL: euphoria.bansko@gmail.com
Entrance: Welcome to BarEUPHORIA Bansko !We got the best Party Music 4 U!Hot Party Nightswith DJ & Live Band !
Visits: 754873

Euphoria bar & grill is the newest place you should visit if you decide to spend your winter holiday in Bansko. In recent years resort has established itself as one of the most visited ski areas in Europe. The best location between three mountains, altitude 2600m, long ski season and the snow metrics make the resort favored by adjust global Ski Federation holding world cup competitionsin Alpine skiing namely-Super Giant Slalom and BIA. Euphoria bar & grill is located on the busiest street in Bansko - Nayden Gerov, only 50m of traffic light, near to Gondola lift. The perfect location of the restaurant allows customers to enjoy the magnificent ski slopes revealed from panoramic windows, sun terraces and bistro. Euphoria bar & grill opened at 7am offering the most extensire choice of einter morning breakfast together with coffee & tea for everyone. Variety of good cuisine and artistic design interior provoke tourists to come back for lunch and dinner. The main concern of chefs Peter Dinev( European cuisine) and Fu Shu Bai (Chinese food) taste to satisty the requirements of even the most pretentions. Euphoria bar & grill is preferred by skiers and snowboarders, whocan relax after a long day on the slopes, having a cup of worm drink or some of the most exotic cookctails prepared with love and care by one of the best bartenders in town. For those , who appreciate of Italian cuisine, restaurant offers real Italian pizza backet in a furnace and varied menu of pasta. For all parents is provide Kids Corner, where under the care of a professional animator , your children will experience unforgatable moments. Monday & Tuesday there is a DJ party for the tourists who want to explorer the night live in Bansko. From Wensday to Sunday there is a live Greek band. Independently from which part of the world you are, you will feel the spirit of Balkans and discover what is real Bouzouki. And last, but not least Euphoria bar & grill offers customers free wireless internet comfort of a lasting connection with home and rest of the world.

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